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Pro Bono Workshops

I have been involved in offering pro bono workshops to organizations since 2016. I offer them principally as a trained volunteer with NY Writers Coalition. Founded in 2002, It is one of the largest community-based creative writing programs in the world. Through them, I have offered workshops in the Bronx, Manhattan, and Brooklyn at places as diverse as a NY city public high school, an LGBTQ drop-in center, a transitional housing facility, and a NY city pubic library. If you are in the New York area and offer services to the community and think that your program could benefit from the principles and practices of the Amherst Writers & Artists method, please email NY Writers Coalition at

If you are in Singapore and offer services to the community and think that your program could benefit from the principles and practices of the Amherst Writers & Artists method, please email  me at

Having been certified by both the Amherst Writers & Artists organization and the NY Writers Coalition, I will be happy to explore how i can help your community. Get in touch at

Paul Rozario-Falcone

Pro Bono Workshops: About
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